Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tired...so Tired

I'm just tired today, tomorrow is my Friday, there are only 3 weeks left in this Semester. I'm trying to get the house straightened around, I'm trying to get the finaces straightened around. So much stress. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel - promise me its not a train okay?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Toe into the Dating World

Okay, so to some people this may seem like a small step, but to me this is huge. I've started chatting with a man that I met on Tagged and responding to posts from another guy on Tagged/MySpace. It is a toe into the dating pool. I know others do this all the time and think nothing of it, but for me - yeah, not so much. Maybe I can make my way out into the dating world!

This is such a odd step for me, Mark and I have been seperated/divorced since what 2002. I have been so focused on Tryn and school, mostly Tryn. Well Tryn is getting her own life and as much as I love her, I know she won't be living at home forever. I need my life too. I'm tired of being lonely. I need to start working my way back out into the world.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Scrapblog-A Few of My Favorite Things

As the title says - A Few of My Favorite Things

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Family

This weekend we added a new member to our family when Justin and Crystal were married on Aug 16,2008. It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony marred only by rain on the reception. We moved the reception to Crystals Moms house and proceeded from there. Erick was the best man and Dad and Brian stood up with them. Dominic was the ring bearer. This was the first time I had met Crystal and I also got to meet Ericks wife Natasha, her son Antonio and their son Vincent. Parker was unable to attend due to ongoing issues with Parkers mom.

Our family keeps on growing, good luck to Justin and Crystal!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sad and Happy

So if anybody is reading this you may have noticed the only blog link on my dashboard is called the Grahams. That is a link to the blog kept by my daughters sister Adopted Mother. They just spent a few weeks at a family reunion and one of the pictures managed to include my daughters brother Alex. I love keeping up with the Grahams, partly because Tryn never got to meet her sister and this way we know how she is doing. On the other hand with her brothers Zeke and Alex their new families don't blog so this is the first time I've seen a picture of Alex in almost 2 years. I recognized him, but I wasn't quite sure so I got his Daddy on the phone and to the site to double check. I wish they had a picture of Zeke too.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Scrapblog-Tryn and Aaron

Playing with the a new site www.scrapblog.com It won't replace my Creative Memories software but I can link it to my blog and export as .jpg!
I really like this layout of Tryn and Aaron.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


I'm finding it hard to stay motivated this semester, could be the classes I'm in (pre algebra and economics) could be so much stuff going on at home. Oh well, buckle down and keep going, next semester I actually get to do computer stuff! Yeah!!