Saturday, November 15, 2008

Watching Her Grow Up

The journey of parenthood is amazing, on April Fools Day 1992 Tryn Leigh was born.

When she was a newborn, I can't really say little because no 8lb 15 oz baby is "little", she was everything I dreamed of.

By 1 she was already walking and talking

At 2 she tried to climb a tree taller than the house and got stuck

At 3 she tried to quiz me on double multipaction tables (mom, what is 2x2, 3x3, 4x4....)

I homeschooled her for preschool and recieved one of my most precious memories - teaching my daughter to read (Mom, that is a word, it says CAT!)

I cried when I left her in Kindergarden, and every report card from k-6 stated she is a "social butterfly".

We worked our way though elememtry school, finding multi age classrooms to keep her challenged and finally acceptance in GT programs.

She coped with our divorce and new siblings, she didn't learn to ride a bike until she was 10 because she kept getting mad at the bike and kicking it when she fell.

We survived ages 11-13 where she hated me and and started High School, where she experimented with going by her middle name the first year. She proudly announced in middle school and even in the beginning of highschool that she would never change her name for a guy, that she would never have biological children because she wanted to adopt.

Then she fell in love with Aaron. Sudden having kids seemed like a good idea in 5 or 6 years...they were at the store and he swiped his Safeway card and after they paid the bill the clerk handed her the bag and called her by his last name...that made her happy, she wants to see if it happens again. While he was in Florida he would also address letter to her using his last name - same reaction.

She is still growing and changing - now I am watching her learn even more about relationships and compromise. My only child is finally learning to share more too.

I can't wait to see what changes the next years bring.

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