Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tryn is 17

Yes, Tryn is my April Fools Baby and she loves it. So 17 years ago today I was laying in a hospital bed contemplating my beautiful baby girl. I always wanted a little girl. And Tryn has turned out to be everything I could have dreamed. I can barely imagine that I am the one that was given the task of guiding her to adulthood and at 17 we are almost there. I'm not perfect and I've messed some things up, but over all I think we've done pretty good.

Tryn has a pretty good head on her shoulders, she has plans for her future, things that she is passionate about in life, and a sweetheart of a guy that she is in love with and loves her. Pretty good for 17 I would say.

Happy Birthday Tryn Leigh.

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