Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Believe

No, I'm not declaring for a Pagan or Wiccan path, however the above image does pull to me though, I really like it allot. Beliefs are a very personal topic and can change over time, I remember being sure that one way was the only way. As I have gotten older I have come to many realizations at the ripe old age of 37...

I believe that you have the right to believe whatever you want. I might even want to talk to you about it and debate ideas with you. However please don't shove your beliefs down my throat.

I believe absolutely in a higher power. I know He is there, I personally choose to call Him God, sometimes I call Him Heavenly Father. You may call Him Allah, Deity or whatever you want, He is big enough to embrace all names, in the bible He called Himself IAM.

I believe in the power of energy. I have seen and felt it. I have seen amazing things happen using energy manipulation and energy comes from the earth and the universe both of which were created by God.

I believe that meditation in any form is another form of prayer.

I believe in reincarnation...but realistically...come on, we all weren't Ramses or Cleopatra. I do believe that we keep meeting up with the same souls til we get it right.

I believe that we are all connected and that the Butterfly Effect is real. What we do effects others - in that light, personal responsibility is one of the most important traits a person can possess.

I believe in Angels and Demons, and that there are other worlds, some right under our noses and just out of our sight.

I believe that any step along the path of faith is a good one - no one has all the answers, no one knows the mind of God, and that we are here to learn and grow.

I believe that Jesus Christ lived and that He was the son of God. I believe that He performed miracles and rose from the dead.

I believe that Joseph Smith saw God and received His message - that he was Gods prophet in the latter days.

I believe that the Bible is the word of God.

I believe God knows His children, and like any Father finds the best way to speak to them so that they will understand. His messages are everywhere if you listen.

No matter what your religion or lack of religion, I believe you have a right to your beliefs.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Drama Llamas and Angry Beavers

The above title is courtesy of my daughter.

Last night D&D became a bit of a drama/emotional session as feelings and emotions surfaced. One of those emotions was the feeling that my daughter was under the impression that I told her she was too opinionated. I have no idea how she got that impression from what I actually said.

I am glad she has opinions, ideas, and beliefs. I encourage this and what her to explore them. We should all be exploring and challenging our own ideas every chance we get. Remember - challenging does not necessarily mean changing. But if someone asks you why you believe what you do "Just because" isn't a great answer.

It thrills me to no end that Tryn is so enthusiastic about life. I love her passion and her excitement and wouldn't change it for the world.

I am a parent however and as a parent my job is to teach my child (yes I know she is 17, I'm still her parent) and to help her be a better person and adult. There are 3 topics that one must be careful when debating usually - politics, religions and honestly I can't remember the third one. But when debating these it is so important to make sure that the other people know that you respect their view points. A few times when I have heard Tryn discuss religion - I love the fact that she is passionate about her religion but the respect for other religions doesn't always translate. I asked to to be aware of that fact.

Conversational skills is a developed art. Some people are born verbal story tellers - I am not one of them. The second thing I mentioned to her was that a good skill to have is to know when to invite other people to tell their part of the story. I have seen this in practice many times, when a speaker comes to part of the story he/she is telling that involves someone else who is in the room they will often turn to that person and invite them to tell that part of the story. It is a polite thing, a respectful thing and keeps everyone in the conversation.

Somehow all this exploded tonight on an entirely different subject to where Tryn thinks that I think she is opinionated and she thinks she won't be a good teacher. I think she will be a great teacher. She has the passion and the desire - the two items I mentioned to her are things that if she chooses to implement will make her life easier, but are not necessarily life changing events, they are more social skills. The things a parent tries to pass on to help their children and make their life easier.
After everyone calmed down, Tryn seems to have regained her self confidence. :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Aaron and Zebadiah

Zebadiah - Uncle Dave's Guitar

David Baker was and is Aaron's Uncle. He is Aarons Mom's Brother. From the time Aaron was little Dave took an interest in him and when Aaron was 8 began to teach him to play the guitar. For Dave the guitar was a passion and a pleasure, not something he earned money with. They had just begun learning when David was killed in a car wreak coming home from work one morning. In his will he left several things to Aaron. His motorcycle and his guitar were two of them. Aaron was told he could have neither until he was 18. The motorcycle was sold, but on this trip to Missouri Aaron was finally able to get the guitar.
David and one of his guitars

Aaron and Zebadiah, the guitar David left him.

Sunday, August 2, 2009



The day that we went to Center Grove Cemetery in Charlotte things were going normally. It was just Dad, DJ and I. I was taking pictures of family headstones and trying to remember everything. When we heard a meow. Now understand that my dad is very allergic to cats, he doesn't hate them or anything. Just very allergic. Yet here is this tiny black kitten that is obviously starving. We can see a few other kittens that don't want anything to do with us.

The kitten is following us and even gets into my pictures. (I meant to keep that picture but I think I accidentally edited him when I focused on the headstone in the crop.)

My dad decided to save the kitty. I'm not cold hearted, I just couldn't figure it out right then how to do this. We took the kitten back to Imogene's and I had Tryn get the kitten out of Grandmas Truck without knowing what she was doing. Of course the second she saw the kitten it was over. Aaron and Tryn have figured out how to pay for vet care and Tombstone joined the family.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Random Vacation Pictures

Playing D & D and Discussing Wicca....

Adding a new family member. Meet Tombstone.

Full post on Tombstone tomorrow.

Full post on Aarons guitar coming.

Vacation Part 2


This is my Aunt Imogene with Alissa.

This is my Aunt Brenda and my cousin Alissa at Batesville River walk where we went for a picnic.

Arkansas is....

Spending time with family and friends.

Cooking that seems more difficult to produce at home.

Time to sit back and relax and enjoy life.

Visiting family cemeteries and trying to absorb more family history.

Watermelons that don't taste the same anywhere else.


Aaron's Fish that Started it All

Tryn learning on a fly fish reel

So Grandma, Dad, Brenda, Aaron, Tryn, Emily and I went fishing. Grandma watched and the rest of us fished. See that fish Aaron has? It helped start a ruckus. Aaron went to put the fish on the stringer to be part of that nights dinner and after it was on the stringer, and before he had the stringer secured back to the bank the fish jumped and tried to take off...well more than tried. The stringer pullled out of Aarons hand and about 10 fish were gone. Aaron stood there stunned for a moment and then went after them to no avail.

We caught more fish - including some that had been on the stringer..and had a great dinner of fish, cornbread and shelly beans.