Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Happy Memorial Day

It is Memorial Day 2010, and in the midst of our personal countdown rush (5 days til Tryn's Graduation, 24 days til Tryn and Aarons Wedding, 21 days till the end of my college semester…). Here is a moment to take a deep breath and say thank you to our veterans and to the families of the veterans who have served and given their lives.
This morning on the way to work I heard “Some Gave All” by Billy Ray Cyrus, granted I am not a fan of his daughter Miley but I still enjoy some of Billy Ray’s songs and this one in particular. It is a good reminder that while I work at a nice safe place where my biggest danger is emotional trauma from being yelled at by customers, there are men and women right now in danger of losing their lives to keep us free.

Thank You to all our veterans and to their families.

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