Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Busy Busy Life

I haven't forgotten my blog...I have been so busy that the concept of taking the time to write it down seemed foreign. No matter how much my mind tells me that is exactly what I should be doing. Tryn is in her final week of High School, and catching up on homework she put off. I chose to try (and sometime fail) to not pester her about finishing her work, even though inside I wanted to scream - I won't be there at UNC next year when she has to manage her own time, it better to learn now while there is still a safety net. And she will finish, tonight she will have 3 of her 7 classes complete including the finals, leaving her 9 days to finish the other 4. At roughly 2 days a class she should be fine - and even get one day off :) Not my favorite personal choice, but hey, its hers.

Aaron is working on his own business, making Duct Tape Apparel and Accessories, the website is just starting but functional http://www.zerosducttape.webs.com/
The hats and wallets are cool, the roses are sweet... he is currently working on a hammock that should be very awesome.

Glenn has restarted his computer repair/network management business, http://www.lightningfastsystem.webs.com/ and that's going good.

Tryn and Aaron's wedding is June 25 they have their wedding site up and running http://www.weddingofaaronandtryn.webs.com/ so we are all over the web these days.

It will slow down soon, and life can return to normal chaos...

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