Thursday, April 1, 2010

18 - Here We Are

Please bear with me today, I'm feeling more than a little nostalgic. You see my daughter turned 18 today.

Here she was a baby playing in her crib....
I couldn't wait until she started walking and talking
I wanted to show her the whole world

Here she is at 18 months, it was Christmas 1993 and she found Mommys make up!

Fast Forward to age 10, here she is at the Butterfly Pavilion the year it was at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

A few years later she turned 13 and we celebrated at Joes Crab Shack

In her Eight Grade Year Tryn decided to try out black hair, its been black ever since.
This is Tryn as a Sophomore at Fountain Fort Carson High School
Tryn at 17, this picture was take during the photo shoot for her engagement photos
Tryn Self Portrait 2010

We have gone from at newborn baby, I can't say tiny because you were 8 lbs 15 oz, but from a helpless newborn to a strong independent woman. You always speak your mind and your passionate and loyal. I am so proud of you Tryn, and I am excited about what the future holds for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you mum. It means a lot to me that you've always been here for me, no matter what. I wouldn't be here today without you.