Thursday, January 15, 2015

Restarting my blog

It has been a long time since I have blogged. My Old Testament class at BYUI has given me a fantastic chance to restart my blog by discussing what I'm learning in class.
Last week was the Creation and we weren't sharing yet, this is the second week of class.

I have chosen to share with you my thoughts on the Tower of Babel.

Genesis 11:1-9. A Tower to Reach Heaven

Most people have heard the story of the Tower of Babel, what many people do not know is why the people built the tower. According to Genesis 11:4 "And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." The people were were terrified of being scattered and they also wanted to build up a name for themselves. Neither part of this combination involved honoring the Lord or wanting to be closer to Him. I believe if the intent of the people had been to build a tower to grow closer to God the result may have been different. This is one of the first lessons of the Bible on intent. God scattered the people by giving them all different languages.

The Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon explains the link between the Tower and the Nephites.

The Jaredites are the ancestors of the Nephites originating from Jared and the brother of Jared who asked the Lord for mercy.

How we can receive “a name” (Genesis 11:4) that will truly help us reach heaven?

The people did not understand that they needed to take the name of the Lord upon themselves not make a name for themselves. The phrase "taking the name of the Lord upon yourself" mean to make a convenient with the Lord. A convenient is a promise. When we are baptized we make a convenient with the Lord. We promise to obey His commandments and to obey Him.

Every book in the New Testament makes clear that Jesus, the Son of God is the only way back to live with Heavenly Father. Jesus is the path to God and when we make a covenant with God He also makes a convenient with us. He has promised us that we will live again with Him, that we will live eternally, He has promised that by obeying Him that we will not need to worry. This are some of the promises that He has made as part of this covenant that we make with Him. We do not need to build a tower to Heaven, we just need to take the name of Lord upon ourselves and follow His Son.

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