Friday, January 16, 2015

Thoughts on Finding Answers

Because we believe that scripture reading can help us receive revelation, we are encouraged to read the scriptures again and again. By this means, we obtain access to what our Heavenly Father would have us know and do in our personal lives today. That is one reason Latter-day Saints believe indaily scripture study. -Elder Oaks, January 1995 Scripture Reading and Revelation

When we read of the account of the Tower of Babel we find a people who were scared and proud and most of all failed to come before God and ask of Him what to do. Can you imagine the difference in the story if the people instead of deciding to build a tower to heaven had come before God and said "Lord we are scared. We are fearful that we are to be scattered. Please help us." 

We have to remember that we are not the architects of our solutions, He is. He knows more that we do and is willing to share knowledge and to teach us. We need to quit racking our brains for solutions and remember to bend our knee. 

However once we bend our knee we must go where He sends us and do what He says. In my personal experience once we are listening He is quick to give the solution, its just a matter of us following it.

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