Tuesday, March 24, 2015

King David

King David

What do you think about when you think about Kind David? Goliath? Bathsheba? Those are two things about him for sure. CNN is airing a series of specials called Jesus: Faith, Fact Forgery examining the historical trails of Jesus life and this week they talked about Judas Iscariot, one of they points they brought up was that when you paint a mans life with one or two strokes you are not seeing him as the Savior did. Jesus saw much more in Judas or he would not have been an Apostle. Many of the historians believe he might have been one of the first Apostles chosen and he was the treasurer for the Apostles. 

King David is no different. Yes he slew Goliath, yes there is Bathsheba - that fall is in not in our reading this week.  Lets look at what else King David did.

After the death of Saul, David was anointed King over the house of Judah, Gilead, Ashurites, Jezreel, Ephraim, Benjamin and all Israel, but he wasn't the only king. Saul son  Ishbosheth was also proclaimed king. It was the Game of Thrones. After several years of both of them ruling Ishbosheth was assassinated and David went to great lengths to show he was not involved in an attack on Saul's family. He continued to rule and during his 40 year reign defeated the Philistines, brought the Ark of the Covenant to the City of David, strengthened the boarders of Israel, by bringing Syria, Moab and Euphrates into line, found Jonathon's son Mephibosheth and gave him control over the land that his grandfather Saul had controlled as well as inviting him to always dine from his table. King David spent 40 years securing the peace and safety of Israel by defeating their enemies through war and he did it in an honorable manner following the Lord. Israel under David's rule was at the height of its power and the only thing denied to David was building the Temple.

David asked the Lord if he could build Him a Temple and the Lords answer is that his (Davids) line would be blessed, that they would be remembered, but that David had seen too much war and bloodshed to build the Temple and David accepted the answer and obeyed. Even blessing the Lord for His blessing on his line.


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