Friday, March 13, 2015

The Walls of Jericho

The Walls of Jericho

I keep thinking about the soldiers who went to take Jericho. We understand that there are certain methods to warfare. In the Promised Land the Lord had added restrictions, the soldiers were not to cut down food bearing trees, they were not to loot and destroy places of residence. It was very civilized warfare. The Lord knew His people would be living here. When they got to Jericho then all normal rules of warfare went even further out the window. This was a siege situation. Did they scale the walls? No. Build a siege engine? No.The Lord told them to march around the city in full uniform with the Ark once a day for 6 days in total silence. Then on the 7th day to march 7 times blow trumpets and shout and the city 'would be theres'. This takes trust and faith because to a soldier this is not a battle plan. To a man of God it is leaving it all in His hands.

I believe this was  huge test for these men. I don't believe those walls were empty. I believe the men of Jericho were looking on and I don't believe they were silent.  I believe they taunted the Children of Israel, I think the admonition to be silent was the truest part of the test.To not respond to the words of your enemy would have been difficult.  

Joshua 6:10 "And Joshua had commanded the people, saying, "Ye shall not shout, nor make any noise with your voice, neither shall any word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I bid you shout; then shall ye shout."

They were not just quiet around the walls and blowing off steam in camp. They were silent for 6 entire days. That is a amazing test and one they passed. One the 7th day they marched around the walls 7 times, sounded the trumpets and shouted and the walls came down.

The obedience and faith of these men gained them a city entirely unharmed. The Lord has made promises to us of what obedience and faith can bring us also.

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