Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Don't Like Mondays

Granted - its Tuesday but the sentament applies. Tryn has brochitis, I am sick, Aaron is getting sick. Aaron got a speeding ticket today and was late to training so won't start work til Friday now.
Phone is off till Friday too.

This week bites. Can I have a new week now?

New Family Member- Meet Rugrat

Well, we finally took the plung again, granted the kids took the plung. I was dragging fee. We have a new kitten. She belongs to Aaron and Tryn. Yes I did agree, it just wasn't my idea. I miss having a cat or dog around, I just wasn't willing to do anything about it - Aaron was.

She is a cute little 2 month old fuzz ball who in the 2 days we've had her has changed names. She started life with us as Trilina - and is now Rugrat. Again - pictures as soon as they are developed.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Homecoming Dance

Last night was Homecoming, and from all accounts Tryn and Aaron had fun. They arrived fashionably late, enjoyed much dancing and very little drama. Went to see Aarons parents after the dance and went out to breakfast. They arrived home at 1am after which Aaron won a DVD on the radio :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You are not alone

First, if anyone is reading this I apologize for the long pause. Its been a rough patch. Especially the last month has been a roller coaster of highs and lows. Worrying about Aaron-not knowing when the military would finally let him come home. (Resolved happily on October 5 when we picked him up at the Colorado Springs bus terminal), a brief dip into the dating world with a questionable ending. My niece and my father were both baptized into the LDS church.
After my Dads baptism was the priesthood conference and since we were there, we stayed. God has never been shy about reminding me when I need to know something. And He reminded me during the Conference that I am not alone and that I don't need to do everything or anything by myself. Something that is wise to remember and never forget.