Monday, July 27, 2009

On Vacation

Stop #1 - Missouri

Step 1: Drive to Missouri

Step 2: Find Anthony's house without getting lost too many times

Step 3: Fight your way to the stove for his Spaghetti...

Just kidding-although Anthony does make awesome spaghetti. What you are seeing here is Aaron and Anthony sparring and Gentry noticing the matching tattoos. What you are not seeing is that during the sparring match in the middle of the kitchen Anthony is also teaching Jeremy how to make said spaghetti.

See?? Told you they had matching tattoos...what still don't see it? Look close. All three tattoos say No Fear. From left to right, Aaron, Gentry, Anthony.

When we first arrived Anthony had to go to work and Aaron went with him to hang out. So what did the girls do? Go to the beach of course.

We had fun and got sunburned...more updates from our vacation are coming...including exciting news.

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