Friday, July 17, 2009


Don't get me wrong. Let me start by saying that I appreciate my mom, she has done allot for me and she has accomplished allot in her life. This is not a bashing I hate you post.

This is a I don't understand what is going on here post.

Dear Mom,

You came home from Las Vegas this week, and I didn't know you were coming home - I thought you were coming next month. The first time I saw you this week was my first day off all week and you were disappointed in my house being a disaster and you were incredibly rude to my son in law when he asked you a question. In our own house. The next day we chatted for a few minutes and then I get a phone call asking I got a message when I say no you say too bad and hung up. You yelled at Tryn to take out the trash when you could have just asked her. Then you called and again, thank you for the meds, but I have no idea what message you are talking about and neither did anyone else.

Are you mad because we didn't spend more time together this week? I wish you had called and just asked what my schedule was - its pretty crazy, you arrived on the first day off of my week. I cleaned house and did laundry the next day then went back to work Saturday-Wednesday. I have school 5-11pm on Monday and Wednesday. If we had known you were coming home we could have tried to arrange something.

I don't understand what you have against Tryn and Aaron...I don't understand why you seem so angry.


Rae Ann

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