Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blogger/Life Envy...

So is it possible to have blogger envy? I know anything is possible - let me describe what I mean. Even though I spend all day on the computer my actual "surfing" time is fairly limited. So once I figured out what Google Reader did I became a huge fan. Now my favorite blogs and I Can Haz Cheezburger come to me! Through other blogs I peak into peoples worlds. It started with remote family and I stumbled on Nie Nie and her family and through my own interests scrapbooks and food sites for cooking, D&D sites and others.

I enjoy these tastes of others worlds and especially in NieNies case I am inspired by them. But a small part of me goes.. "I want". I want my cakes to look like that. I want to be able to pull of those fun clothes. I want my pages to look like that.

The I Want envy demon at it again. Not all I want is bad because it inspires you to try new things and try harder to do things (like making that cake the way I want or cool new pages). The problem comes in if it makes you truly dissatisfied with a good life (see Jon and Kate plus 8!)

The reality is that while there are things that I want to improve about my life - I am working on those. There are things I want to do and the I wants give me idea, but I am happy to live my life and I don't want other peoples lives.

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