Friday, December 26, 2008


We had a wonderful Christmas at home. Christmas traditions are interesting and when you add a new family member you learn to incorporate their traditions too. The tradition in our family has always been that you can wake up the parents as early as 6, we can stare at the tree and open our stocking then we have "breakfast" (cinnamon rolls and OJ/coffee) and Dad hands out all the presents. In Aaron's family the kids are allowed to open their stockings any time after they wake up - and for kids who can't sleep that may mean as soon as they see the lights in the house go out. Then they can go wake up Mom and Dad when they are ready -because they aren't allowed to open the rest of the presents.

So how did this blend? I finally fell asleep around 3:00, after getting stuff wrapped, not long after 3:30, Aaron scares the crap out of me because I had fallen asleep with the lap top and he didn't want me to knock it off on the floor.

So now I'm up and awake with an adrenaline rush. So I'm awake. Now, please remember - Aaron had told us about his family traditions, I just hadn't really realized how this would work. He opened his stocking at 3:30 am, the dividing line is opening presents so he didn't open the presents that were in the stocking. Since I was wide awake, he decided to go get cigarettes and energy drinks and see if Tryn wanted to wake up. We opened presents at 4am. I made cinnamon rolls and once the hide/seek clue to Aaron's new sword was off of the coffee pot, I made coffee.

Everyone was thrilled with their gifts. Bouncing off the walls :)

And after awhile - I went back to bed for a few hours. All in all the traditions blended pretty well.

Pictures are still in the Camera...adding those soon.

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