Monday, December 8, 2008

Utter Failure

I wanted to have an adult discussion. I attempted to have an adult discussion. My daughter became so defensive and .... um searching for the right word here... well, I guess defensive covers most of the bases, that it became impossible. Because I was trying a different method and had to keep reminding her that I wasn't shouting or yelling at her the talk got no where except for me truly pissed off. Why? Because I think Tryn is capable of being talked to as an adult on this subject and her defensiveness and inability tonight to hold an adult conversation hit about every button that I had. Hate it when that happens - I really do. Was this my failure or hers or both. Maybe in this case I switched speeds too fast? However she always complains that I treat Aaron different than her - I treat Aaron as an adult, a young adult but an adult. Even when we are pissed at each other we can hold a conversation. I think Tryn should be capable of that and it makes me feel like I failed somewhere that at almost 17 we can't do that. Gonna try again tomorrow.

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