Monday, July 27, 2009

On Vacation

Stop #1 - Missouri

Step 1: Drive to Missouri

Step 2: Find Anthony's house without getting lost too many times

Step 3: Fight your way to the stove for his Spaghetti...

Just kidding-although Anthony does make awesome spaghetti. What you are seeing here is Aaron and Anthony sparring and Gentry noticing the matching tattoos. What you are not seeing is that during the sparring match in the middle of the kitchen Anthony is also teaching Jeremy how to make said spaghetti.

See?? Told you they had matching tattoos...what still don't see it? Look close. All three tattoos say No Fear. From left to right, Aaron, Gentry, Anthony.

When we first arrived Anthony had to go to work and Aaron went with him to hang out. So what did the girls do? Go to the beach of course.

We had fun and got sunburned...more updates from our vacation are coming...including exciting news.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Day at Elitch Gardens

On Friday the 17th my friend Donna took me, Tryn, and Aaron to Elitch Gardens in Denver, CO. We made the classic (but fun) mistake of saying "its hot, lets do the water park first. After 5 hours of water slides, lagoons, and tide pools. Including "The Edge" (thinks skate ramp for water), we were wiped out. We ate lunch, tried a few rides and got low grade sunstroke.

After Elitchs we drove back to Colorado Springs in time to have dinner at Jose Muldoons and be entertained by Brandon the Magician.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Don't get me wrong. Let me start by saying that I appreciate my mom, she has done allot for me and she has accomplished allot in her life. This is not a bashing I hate you post.

This is a I don't understand what is going on here post.

Dear Mom,

You came home from Las Vegas this week, and I didn't know you were coming home - I thought you were coming next month. The first time I saw you this week was my first day off all week and you were disappointed in my house being a disaster and you were incredibly rude to my son in law when he asked you a question. In our own house. The next day we chatted for a few minutes and then I get a phone call asking I got a message when I say no you say too bad and hung up. You yelled at Tryn to take out the trash when you could have just asked her. Then you called and again, thank you for the meds, but I have no idea what message you are talking about and neither did anyone else.

Are you mad because we didn't spend more time together this week? I wish you had called and just asked what my schedule was - its pretty crazy, you arrived on the first day off of my week. I cleaned house and did laundry the next day then went back to work Saturday-Wednesday. I have school 5-11pm on Monday and Wednesday. If we had known you were coming home we could have tried to arrange something.

I don't understand what you have against Tryn and Aaron...I don't understand why you seem so angry.


Rae Ann

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our 4th of July

We had alot of plans for 4th of July this year. Being in Arkansas, being in Missouri and blowing up lots of fireworks, seeing family and friends and having fun. Well, the 4th of July trip is happening the 22nd so we had to revamp the 4th of July plans. It still includes family and friends and fun... we had hamburger, hotdogs and corn on the the grill. Smores for dessert.
Jake, Cody, Autumn, Beth and Elaine came by. (Yes the rest of this crew lives here!)
We finished the night with a few fireworks out of the city limits..
Happy Birthday America!

Andrew, Danny, and Aaron competing in pullups.....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Blogger/Life Envy...

So is it possible to have blogger envy? I know anything is possible - let me describe what I mean. Even though I spend all day on the computer my actual "surfing" time is fairly limited. So once I figured out what Google Reader did I became a huge fan. Now my favorite blogs and I Can Haz Cheezburger come to me! Through other blogs I peak into peoples worlds. It started with remote family and I stumbled on Nie Nie and her family and through my own interests scrapbooks and food sites for cooking, D&D sites and others.

I enjoy these tastes of others worlds and especially in NieNies case I am inspired by them. But a small part of me goes.. "I want". I want my cakes to look like that. I want to be able to pull of those fun clothes. I want my pages to look like that.

The I Want envy demon at it again. Not all I want is bad because it inspires you to try new things and try harder to do things (like making that cake the way I want or cool new pages). The problem comes in if it makes you truly dissatisfied with a good life (see Jon and Kate plus 8!)

The reality is that while there are things that I want to improve about my life - I am working on those. There are things I want to do and the I wants give me idea, but I am happy to live my life and I don't want other peoples lives.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Picture Day

I took Tryn and Aaron to get pictures taken and we got family pictures done also. Tryn and I hadn't had pictures done together in 2 years. These were Tryn and Aaron's engagement photos they haven't picked the final shot yet but when they do we will start on announcements.

I find it wonderful that Sears now lets you by the photo disk, and I was very impressed with the colleges the photographer put together.