Thursday, January 29, 2015

Let Go and Let God

Let Go and Let God

The phrase Let Go and Let God used to be a "thing" at least when I was in high school. I have mentioned I am a convert to the church. In high school I was heavily involved in a local Baptist church were I lived.  Let Go and Let God meant you were giving God control of your life. I have got to say that is so much easier to say at 16 than at 42. I don't think Joseph's life turned out how he thought it would (either Joseph - son of Jacob or Joseph Smith Jr. but for now we will stick to Joseph son of Jacob). He was hated by his brothers who were jealous of him and they sold him into slavery then to  protect themselves told their father he was dead. He ended up being the property of the Pharaoh, having to fend of seduction attempts by the Pharaoh's wife and being thrown into jail. It would have been easy to give up. It would have been easy to forget the God of his fathers and worship whoever everyone else was in order to fit in, because you know he did not fit in with the rest of the household.  There was no religious support group there to help him. Joseph did none of these things, he stayed true and in the end was rewarded with a reunited family and the ability to help them when they truly needed help. 

I am not advocating making no decisions and "leaving it all up to God" that is a great way to become homeless. He gave us minds and reasoning abilities for a reason. He expects us to think and reason. However, I think that maybe the step that we might forget sometimes is to ask His opinion on decisions, and not just the big one. I can't imagine a better situation than to eventually be so in tune with the Holy Spirit that I can feel when a decision is wrong and I don't mean an ethical decision, I mean a life decision. I have a mental image of walking down life's path with Jesus guiding us around the turns and corners. He knows the way and what the best route is, we are the ones doing this blind, maybe we should listen to the guy with the map :) 


Greg said...

First I liked what you presented. I would like to make a small correction that he was bought by Potifer, not Pharoh, and it was Potifer's wife that tried to seduce him. By his decision to continue to take things to God and follow him he became the overseer of all of Potifer's house before the accusation and jail, yet even there God gave him grace to the jailer and everything he did was made to prosper. You are right God gave up a mind to think for ourselves and make choices. I know for myself that I make better decisions and choices when I consult God in everything.

Greg said...

First I liked what you presented. I would like to make a small correction that he was bought by Potifer, not Pharoh, and it was Potifer's wife that tried to seduce him. By his decision to continue to take things to God and follow him he became the overseer of all of Potifer's house before the accusation and jail, yet even there God gave him grace to the jailer and everything he did was made to prosper. You are right God gave up a mind to think for ourselves and make choices. I know for myself that I make better decisions and choices when I consult God in everything.